Thursday, May 15, 2014

3 on Thursday: May 15th

1. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?iced

  • Iced Tea

2. Have you heard of the Kidnapped Nigerian Girls? Do you think that the US should do more to return these girls home?  Over 200 girls have been kidnapped from their school and held hostage by a militant group and/or being sold as child brides for $12 each. Very tragic.

  • Yes, it is tragic. But the US is NOT the policeman to the world. We need to stop chasing after every outbreak of international strife. Let our government policy be securing the homeland, building OUR infrastructure, winning the hearts and minds of Americans.

3. If you could live anywhere in the world (money is no issue) where would you live?

  • LondonLondon_Big_Ben_Phone_box

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