- How big is your TV screen?
- 32”
- How big is your hard drive? Laptop or desktop?
- 300 gb – Laptop
- How big is your home? Is it too big or too small?
- 2 bdrm, 1 bath… 760 sq ft of luxury
- How big is your waistline? Is it too big or too small?
- WAAAAYYY too big… Gastric Bypass surgery on Monday. **Watch this space for progress to DAMN SEXY!
- How big are your pets?
- Cat sized
How big is your car?
- Subaru Outback sized
- How big are your biceps?
- Not as big as they will be when I’m DAMN SEXY!
- How big is your ego?
- Not as big as it will be when I’m DAMN SEXY!
- Who's currently the biggest ass?
- Boehner, Cantor, Cruz, McConnell… and every congressman who voted NO to fund the government… you choose.
- Who's currently the biggest loser?
- Members of congress who are so tone-deaf to the issues that matter to real Americans.
- How big is your bank account?
- I’m a State employed social worker… I play the lottery for investment purposes.
I loved Bloom County - I really miss it.
ReplyDeleteBest of luck Monday!